
Here you can see technical details about important events required for our reports system

Quick Start

  1. Go to the PerformanceEvent page. Parent:

  2. Under Contact Information, click Edit. (Note: if you don't see the Edit link, you may have Domain Privacy turned on. Click the View personal information link, and then you'll be able to click the Edit link.)

    1. To edit All Contacts, enter the Contact, Address, Phone, and Email information you want to update, and then click OK.

    2. To edit each individual contact, clear the Use for all contact types check box and enter the information you want to update.

  3. Click Save

Performance event fields

Name Value Description
id integer
started_at datetime
finished_at datetime
status_change_id integer Association: Status change
subgroup_id integer Association: Group of states
shift_id integer Association: Shift
company_id integer Association: Company
order_id integer Association: Order
order_series_index integer
reason_id integer Association: State
operators_count integer
good_parts integer
bad_parts integer
author_id integer Association: User
trigger enum {"StatusChange"=>0, "UserPresence"=>1, "Shift"=>2, "online"=>3}
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime
ideal_parts_for_downtime float
ideal_parts_for_operator_total_availability float
ideal_parts_for_operators_downtime float
ideal_parts_for_operators_runtime float
ideal_parts_for_operators_total_availability float
ideal_parts_for_runtime float
ideal_parts_for_shift_time float
ideal_parts_for_total_availability float
ideal_parts_for_workplace_downtime float
ideal_parts_for_workplace_runtime float
ideal_parts_for_workplace_total_availability float
operators_total_availability float
operators_total_parts integer
total_availability float
total_parts integer
workplace_total_availability float
workplace_total_parts integer
downtime float
operators_bad_parts integer
operators_downtime float
operators_good_parts integer
operators_runtime float
runtime float
standard_rate float
workplace_bad_parts integer
workplace_downtime float
workplace_good_parts integer
workplace_runtime float
begin_of_shift_date date
standard_rate_value_id integer
operators integer
planned_breaks integer

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